



    Information about COVID-19 after April 1, 2024

    • [公開日:2023年4月28日]
    • [更新日:2024年4月19日]
    • ID:35872


    Consultation services (to be closed on September 30, 2024)

    MHLW’s telephone consultation services (Call center) : 0120-565653
    MHLW’s COVID-19 vaccination call center: 0120-700-624

    Basic measures to prevent from infection

    COVID-19 is considered to be transmitted by droplets, contact, and aerosols.
    Basic prevention measures are essential to protect yourself as well as for colds and seasonal influenza.

    Prepare a test kit

    Prepare a kit for COVID-19 examination at home in case fever outpatient clinics get swamped. Those kits should be “Extracorporeal diagnostic medicines” or “Category 1 Drugs”.

    Keep necessary items for quarantine at home

    Over-the-counter antifebriles and painkillers
    Daily necessities
    Sanitary items
    COVID-19 prevention products

    If you have any symptoms

    When you have any symptoms such as fever, and if you want to consult a doctor, contact your primary care doctor. Co-payment is required for medical examination and tests. If you cannot find a clinic or a hospital to visit, check a list of available clinics and hospitals on the website of Osaka Prefecture or contact the consultation services.

    If you became COVID-19 positive

    Follow instructions of a doctor and rest quietly. The decision to avoid outings or not is left to the discretion of individual. If your condition gets worse, consult your family doctor. Recovery accommodations for isolation ended on Sunday, May 7, 2023. Copayment is required for outpatient care, examination, prescription, and hospitalization. 

    For a family living with a patient

    Identifying close contacted person or requesting to avoid outings for family members are not required any more.


    Infectious Disease Control Division,
    Public Health Office, Health Department of Higashiosaka City
    Phone: 072-960-3805/Fax: 072-960-3809



    電話: 06(4309)3300

    ファクス: 06(4309)3823

